Living Planet Fellowship workshop 2020

The annual Living Planet Fellowship workshop took place online on 03 December.
On this occasion, the Living Planet Fellows presented their research projects and their scientific results, exchanged ideas and interacted with ESA scientists, fellows and YGTs, showcasing scientific exploitation of Copernicus Sentinels, ESA Earth Explorers, the long-term series of ESA data archives, as well as meteorological and non-ESA missions on a wide range of Earth System Science themes.

Presentations are available on this page.




Biosphere & Extremes

09:05 Francescopaolo Sica HI-FIVE: High-Resolution Forest Coverage with InSAR & Deforestation Surveillance
09:30 Mariette Vreugdenhil SHRED: Sentinel-1 for High REsolution monitoring of vegetation Dynamics
09:55 Marco Celesti MULTI-FLEX: Towards a strategy for fluorescence monitoring scales within the context of the Flex/S3 tandem mission
10:20 Jasdeep S. Anand EOCYTES: Evaluation of the effect of Ozone on Crop Yields and the TErrestrial carbon pool using Satellite data
11:00 Javier Gorrono Development of uncertainty estimates for Sentinel 2 surface reflectance products
11:15 Sophia Walther Vegetation and drought: towards improved data-driven estimates of ecosystem carbon fluxes under moisture stress
11:30 Cassandra Normandin Combining Sentinel 1-2-3 for the monitoring of the Kuiseb River – Namibia
11:45 Zina Mitraka Large scale exploitation of satellite data for the assessment of urban surface temperatures
12:00 Anna Kontu L-band observations of soil and trees in freezing/thawing conditions
12:15 Matthew Gaddes Volcano Monitoring using Deep Learning


13:15 Jack Landy Arctic-SummIT: Arctic Summer Ice Thickness
13:40 Bas Altena ICEFLOW: short-term movements in the Cryosphere
14:05 Florent Garnier Improved sea-ice thickness records from satellite altimeters: Towards new sea-ice volume estimates and application to climate change studies
14:20 Thorsten Christian Seehaus Mass balance and ice dynamics of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers

Atmosphere & Oceans

14:45 Andreas Schneider WIFT: Water vapour Isotopologues from TROPOMI
15:10 Tim Trent Water cyclE changes characterised from ATmospHeric moisturE Recycling
15:25 Carlo Arosio SOLVE: Stratospheric Ozone from Limb observations: Validation of the profiles, Evaluation of trends and their dynamical and chemical drivers
15:40 Audrey Hasson SMOWS: Satellite Mode Waters Salinity, in synergy with Temperature and Sea Level
16:05 Alice Carret OVALIE: Oceanic intrinsic Variability versus Atmospheric forced Variability of sea level change
16:30 Marco Bellacicco PhysioGlob: Assessing the inter-annual physiological response of phytoplankton to global warming using long- term satellite observations

Solid Earth and near Earth current systems

17:05 Wolfgang Szwillus Discrete Bayesian Inversion of Satellite Gravity
17:20 William Archer The ionospheric signature of auroral and subauroral fast flows
17:55 Ivan Pakhotin SIEMIC: Swarm Investigation of the Energetics of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
18:20 Devin Huyghebaert A Swarm, SuperDARN, and ICEBEAR Collaboration – Turbulent E-region Aurora Measurements
18:35 End of Workshop