The Living Planet Fellowship is an ESA initiative to support young researchers who have a doctoral degree and would like to initiate a scientific career in the context of Earth Observation and Earth system science.
‼️🌍#LivingPlanetFellows call for proposals 2022‼️The deadline'sapproaching:15/06/2022. The new generation of scientists in @ESA_EO Member States to undertake cutting-edge research in #EarthObservation and #Earth #System #Science can apply👉 Hurry up!
‼️🌍#LivingPlanetFellows call for proposals 2022‼️The deadline'sapproaching:15/06/2022. The new generation of scientists in @ESA_EO Member States to undertake cutting-edge research in #EarthObservation and #Earth #System #Science can apply👉 Hurry up!
‼️🌍#LivingPlanetFellows call for proposals 2022‼️The deadline'sapproaching:15/06/2022. The new generation of scientists in @ESA_EO Member States to undertake cutting-edge research in #EarthObservation and #Earth #System #Science can apply👉 Hurry up!
After a nice open session on the #LivingPlanetFellows, now off to agora session on cultivating a more inclusive future in #EO and #RemoteSensing at #LPS22 💃
NEW Call for ESA's Living Planet Fellowship is out (deadline 15/6/22): @ESA_EO is supporting a new cohort of #LivingPlanetFellows to perform cutting-edge EO based Earth System Science - to maximise the scientific impact of ESA's missions
InSAR Decorrelation at X-Band from the Joint TanDEM-X/PAZ Constellation Sica, F., Bretzke, S., Pulella, A., Bueso-Bello, J.-L., Martone, M., Prats-Iraola, P., Gonzales-Bonilla, M.-J., Schmitt, M., Rizzoli, P. (2020). IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing LettersDOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.3014809 - 2020
Temperature effects on L-band vegetation optical depth of a boreal forest Mike Schwank, Anna Kontu, Arnaud Mialon, Reza Naderpour, Derek Houtz, Juha Lemmetyinen, Kimmo Rautiainen, Qinghuan Li, Philippe Richaume, Yann Kerr, Christian MätzlerRemote Sensing of EnvironmentDOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2021.112542 - 2021