Tags: oceans, science
8th international symposium on gas transfer at water surfaces
Plymouth, United Kingdom
The Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces (GTWS) meeting occurs every 5 years and brings together approximately 150 scientists from countries all over the world. The focus is on the physicochemical and biogeochemical processes that govern atmosphere-water gas exchange and fluxes, which include turbulence, shear, breaking waves, bubbles and natural and anthropogenic surfactants. Biological and chemical …
SMOS+ Rainfall Ocean
Prime company: ARGANS LIMITED (GB)Several recent studies have concluded that climate change causes major changes in the global water cycle. There is increasing evidence that part of the multi-decadal trends observed on the sea surface salinity (SSS) are due to changes in the global water cycle, e.g. the western tropical Pacific has become fresher and the subtropical North Atlantic …
Coral reefs in Fatu Huku island
The uninhabited coral reef island of Fatu Huku in the southeastern Marquesas Islands is explored in a brand new chapter of the Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat (Second Edition) book, published by Elsevier. The discussion of the relationships between its benthic habitats and morphometry (bathymetry, slope, hotspots, and ecotones) is based on data collected and …
BICEP – Biological Pump and Carbon Exchange Processes
Prime company: Plymouth Marine Laboratory (GB)The ocean carbon cycle is a vital part of the global carbon cycle. It has been estimated that around a quarter of anthropogenically-produced emissions of CO2, caused from the burning of fossil fuels and land use change, have been absorbed by the ocean. On the other hand, significant advances have been made recently to expand …
CYMS (Scaling-up Cyclone Monitoring Service with Sentinel-1)
Prime company: CLS COLLECTE LOCALISATION SATELLITES (FR)CYMS is an ESA-funded project aiming at scaling up an operational service for Tropical Cyclone (TC) monitoring, in view of its potential integration as part of a Copernicus Service. The main scientific and technical objectives are to: Develop a sustainable acquisition strategy dedicated to TC ; Consolidate S-1 end-to-end processing chains for ocean surface wind …
Performance evaluation for the QAA algorithm to retrieve particulate backscattering
The Quasi-Analytical Algorithm was developed to derive inherent optical properties by analytically inverting the spectral remote-sensing reflectance. It is the algorithm used in the ESA Ocean-colour CCI project to retrieve particulate optical backscattering (bbp). Due to the high uncertainties still associated to QAA global retrievals of bbp, reliable accuracy estimates of the QAA are essential …
Ocean acidification monitoring with EO-derived salinity and temperature
Empirical algorithms using satellite observed salinity from SMOS and Aquarius, as well as CCI SST, have been demonstrated to be suitable to calculate total alkalinity and total dissolved inorganic carbon, and reproduce the wider spatial patterns of these two variables. Improving our ability to monitor ocean carbonate chemistry has become a priority as the …
A collaboration on Ocean science just kicked-off
Society is facing today a number of global environmental challenges requiring the better understanding and monitoring of the interconnected Earth System processes. Ocean is one key gearing of this complex engine. However, knowledge gaps remain in order to better understand, characterize and monitor its role in all major Earth System global cycles (e.g. water, energy, …
6th ESA Advanced Training Course on Ocean Remote Sensing in Crete
The 6th ESA Advanced Training Course on Ocean Remote Sensing, also referred to as Advanced Ocean Synergy Training Course, is taking place from 4 to 8 November 2019 at the Center of Mediterranean Architecture, Chania, Crete (Greece). Organized in cooperation with the Technical University of Crete, this course is part of a series dedicated to training …