Protected: Fires: wide views from Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3
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The P-SBAS Sentinel-1 processing on-demand, a service for ground deformation monitoring, has been developed and integrated by CNR IREA into the Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP) and is part of the Services Catalogue of the platform since last June 2019. Read more about it.
The Sentinel-2 MSI Level-1C and Level-2A may provide valuable screening products in the context of the Charter activations, in particular for fire events. Read about the new and advanced processing services currently being prepared to be available on the geohazards TEP. Featured image : Sentinel-2 RGB band combination (12, 8A and 4) highlighting hot …
Hatfield Consultants, Canada have done a great work in explaining their EO Mangrove Service to support sustainable aquaculture development in this very beautiful 2-minutes video! Follow the Food Security TEP playlist on YouTube, more content will come up regularly! The video can also be accessed from the Food Security TEP videos page.
The SNAP COSMO-SkyMed DInSAR service for ground displacement mapping is the first service available on GEP that processes ASI COSMO-SkyMed 2 radar data. The service is based on ESA’s open source toolbox, SentiNel Application Platform (SNAP). Read more about this service.
A strong earthquake of Mw 7.1 struck southern California, United States on July 6, 2019 preceded by another earthquake of Mw 6.4 on July 4. This was the strongest earthquake in California since the 1999 Mw 7.1 Hector Mine earthquake. The earthquake sequence took place on a remote and sparsely inhabited area of California, limiting …
In this instalment, we will present new applications created in the scope of VISAT. We will explore: The demonstration application for raising awareness in the context of Systematic Environmental Economic Accounting The demonstration application for Sustainable Development Goals The example application demonstrating the comparison of Functional Urban Areas We will also discuss the possibility to …
Explore World Settlements Footprint 2015 Join via Google Meet:
The “Euro Data Cube Facility” service contract was Kicked-off on April 23 for a project duration of 3 years, focusing not just on development of innovative product, but mostly on an operational service to be used by millions of people around the world. An initial portfolio of services will be available after 6 months and …
2adapt 2adapt is a spin-off of the Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Modelling research group, from the Lisbon University. 2adapt promotes an integrated approach to climate risk management based on the convergence of three international agreements: (i) the Sendai Framework, which establishes priority areas for risk management; (Ii) the Paris agreement, to ensure global warming …