Earth Observation information services for European Investment Bank projects – 2012
Summary report of projects in cooperation with the European Investment Bank
Summary report of projects in cooperation with the European Investment Bank
See how Earth Observation supports water resource managers worldwide in the video produced by the EO4SD Water Resources team, and learn more about ESA initiatives for safeguarding water in this article. Watch the video in English: in French: and in Spanish:
Last 16th January, an initial exploratory meeting took place at ESRIN to start a discussion on EO and Official Development Assistance (ODA) with first interested national aid agencies from across Europe, together with representatives from the national space agencies/government departments, the OECD and DG-DEVCO. To date, the activities of ESA in the development aid area …
The World Bank organised the second edition of the Geospatial Day event at the World Bank premises in Washington DC from 6 to 7 December, 2017. An event that aims at further raising awareness amongst Bank consultants and staff of the enabling power of geospatial information and technology and of how it can be applied to their …