A least-squares collocation procedure to merge local geoids with the aid of satellite-only gravity models: The Italian/Swiss geoids case study Result detail
Coccolithophore surface distributions in the North Atlantic and their modulation of the air-sea flux of CO2 from 10 years of satellite Earth observation data Result detail
Stochastic estimation of biogeochemical parameters from Globcolour ocean colour satellite data in a North Atlantic 3D ocean coupled physical-biogeochemical model Result detail
Estimation of radiative transfer parameters from L-band passive microwave brightness temperatures using advanced data assimilation Result detail
Joint assimilation of surface temperature and L-band microwave brightness temperature in land data assimilation Result detail
A sensitivity analysis of the SimSphere SVAT model in the context of EO-based operational products development Result detail
Comparison of two methods to derive the size-structure of natural populations of phytoplankton Result detail
Simulation of radar backscatter and Doppler shifts of wave-current interaction in the presence of strong tidal current Result detail