Universities and young professionals

Universities and young professionals

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Materials giving an introduction to a variety of remote sensing topics using both optical and radar.

Videos, Theory and Practical materials

A text book to introduce radar interferometry to remote sensing specialists

An educational open source software for inspecting and analyzing satellite images

Version: 4.3.0

Released on: 28/01/2019

Link to SAR basic theory training materials in French

Videos, theory and practical materials in Spanish

Software for processing Sentinel data

Version: 9.0.0

Released on: 29/06/2022

The material from this course is for MSc/PhD students and early career scientists.

Materials from this course on land remote sensing for post-grad level students.


EO Africa online course on EO for Marine and Coastal Resources Applications

January 27 - February 21

This online course aims to provide the participants with the competence to use Earth Observation (EO) data and products to leverage the management of marine and coastal aquatic resources and policymaking. The main objective is to deepen and broaden the knowledge and practical skills of participants in using EO products and applications for the integrated …

3rd ESA Carbon Science Cluster Meeting (POSTPONED)

January 28 - January 29

MEETING POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Background The carbon cycle is central to the Earth system, being inextricably coupled with climate, the water cycle, nutrient cycles and the production of biomass by photosynthesis on land and in the oceans. Understanding the patterns of exchanges of carbon between the atmosphere, ocean and land and the processes associated …

ESA Digital Twin Earth Components: Open Science Meeting

February 3 - February 5
ESA-ESRIN, Largo Galileo Galilei, 1
Frascati, RM 00044 Italy

Responding to the unprecedented ‘triple crisis’ of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, requires a quantum leap in the way we observe, understand and predict the dynamic evolution of the Earth system and its complex interactions with human activities and ecosystems. Digital Twins have recently emerged as potential solutions to address these needs. The ESA …

Jan 27
EO Africa online course on EO for Marine and Coastal Resources Applications
Jan 28
3rd ESA Carbon Science Cluster Meeting (POSTPONED)
Feb 03
ESA Digital Twin Earth Components: Open Science Meeting