An adaptive method for estimating snow-covered fraction using EO data
04 July 2023
Snow cover is an important component of the Earth's cryosphere and plays a significant role in regulating […]
Information services to enhance and integrate within existing regional monitoring and assessment frameworks in cooperation with national and regional authorities
HeatAdapt: Heat stress monitoring supporting Austrian climate change adaptation strategies
GeoVille (AT)
Earth Observation for operational hydrology ‘eo4alps snow’ – Alps regional initiative
Waterjade Srl (IT)
Regional Initiatives
Earth Observation for Alpine ecosystems ‘eco4alps’ – Alps regional initiative
Solenix Schweiz GmbH (CH)
Regional Initiatives
Many issues are addressed on a regional basis. Particular examples include environmental protection, climate adaptation and resilience, security and stability issues, infrastructure development and optimization.
Within Europe, a number of regional collaboration frameworks exist, including regional environmental protection and management agreements, regional security cooperation fora and regional scientific programmes. In addition, for many regions in Europe a dedicated strategy has been developed and agreed in cooperation with the European Commission. These address environmental issues, socio-economic issues and sustainable development in the Alps, the Black Sea, the Danube, the Baltic and the Atlantic region.