Handbook for an insight of the Atlantic Regional Initiative
03 December 2020
An interactive guide to the Atlantic Regional Initiative ecosystem, explaining how to get involved, from […]
The Blue Economy approach to the oceans supports economic growth, social inclusion and improvement of livelihoods, while also ensuring the continued health of coastal and marine ecosystems and the services they provide. This takes careful planning and management, based on a sound understanding of marine and coastal environments. However, these areas are expensive and challenging to measure and monitor using in situ techniques alone. In many cases there are no viable alternatives to EO for providing the information decision-makers need in order to build a sustainable blue economy.
Key outcomes and conclusions from the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum : 6-7 February 2020
23-25 January 2019, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK - Programme, presentations and final report
Interactive brochure with an overview of major components of the Atlantic Regional Initiative, applications and data access
C-TEP is a data access service dedicated to improving the efficiently of data-intensive research into our dynamic coastal areas
03-05 December 2019, Estoril, Portugal - Programme, presentations and final report
20-22 November 2019, Paris, France - Programme and final report
National Oceanography Centre (NOC) (GB)
Regional Initiatives
On the retrieval of internal temperature of Antarctica Ice Sheet by using SMOS observations
Remote Sensing of Environment DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111405 - 2019 |
Melt in Antarctica derived from Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) observations at L band
The Cryosphere DOI: 10.5194/tc-14-539-2020 - 2020 |
Latitude dependence of interhemispheric field‐aligned currents (IHFACs) as observed by the Swarm constellation
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027694 - 2020 |