Contribute your data to the Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise

The Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise (GlaMBIE) project is a community effort aiming for a reconciled assessment of regional and global glacier mass changes towards the next IPCC report.

Anyone performing research in this domain is now invited to submit their data (either based on altimetry, DEM, in-situ glaciological, gravimetry or combined measurements) as input for the GlaMBIE exercise.

Data Submission will remain open until the end of May 2023 and can be done via the specific forms accessible via the main Data Submission portal. Please see the GlaMBIE Data Submission Guide for details on dataset submission expectations.

Preliminary results will be discussed in a dedicated workshop to take place in Edinburgh, UK, from the 28th to the 30th of August 2023. Stay tuned for more information about it.

For any questions, feel free to contact