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5th ESA Advanced Course on Radar Polarimetry 2019

Theory and practicals material


Educational materials from the 5th ESA Advanced Course on Radar Polarimetry 2019 held in Frascati, Italy, on 22-25 January 2019. Download specific blocks here below or access the full theory and practicals from the window left side link.

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Polarimetric SAR:

Polarimetric SAR Interferometry (53 MB), which includes:

  • Principles and Basics of SAR Interferometry (InSAR) and Polarimetric SAR Interferometry (Pol-InSAR) (theory), I.Hajnsek
  • Pol-InSAR practical, I.Hajnsek

Polarimetric SAR Tomography (85 MB) which includes:

  • Pol-TomoSAR introduction, Tomographic SAR principles, Phase calibration, Correlation tomography, SARSIM databases, Spectral Analysis Techniques, and TomoSAR case studies (theory), L.Ferro-Famil & S.Tebaldini
  • Practical,  L.Ferro-Famil & S.Tebaldini