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IV ESA EARSEL CNR School: Remote Sensing for Forest Fires

 September 30, 2019 - October 1, 2019

ESA, CNR and EARSeL organised a course dedicated to exploiting data from active and passive Earth Observation sensors for applications related to forest fires, and to discuss relevant research methods and technologies.
The course was held on the occasion of the workshop “12th EARSeL Forest Fires SIG Workshop” (3-5 October 2019, Rome, Italy).

The programme focused mainly on the use of optical and radar sensors for fire hazard estimation, active fire mapping, burned area mapping and fire emissions, and included techniques such as Self Organized Maps and Machine Learning. The practicals used a variety of data (e.g. Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, Sentinel-5P) and software (e.g. SNAP, EO Browser, CCI Toolbox, Jupyter Notebook), and utilised mainly virtual machines from the Copernicus Research and User Support (RUS).

The training addressed 24 users, mostly early career researchers and university students from European countries.

Access here below the full programme and training materials (both theory and practicals).






Largo Galileo Galilei, 1
Frascati, RM 00044 Italy
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