Recommendations from the Inland Water monitoring community

The HYDROSPACE-GEOGLOWS 2021 workshop, organised by ESA in collaboration with CNES and the GEO Global Water Sustainability Initiative (GEOGloWS), took place in June 2021.

It offered the opportunity to have a community discussion focused on future challenges of Inland Water monitoring and prediction, and future observational requirements.

An overview of the state-of-the-art presented in the sessions and a summary of discussions are provided within the workshop report, now publicly available.

In particular, the report includes a Manifesto to express recommendations addressed to the relevant scientific and application communities, to space agencies and to intergovernmental entities, national governments and the European Union.



Benveniste, J., A. Andral and A. Gutierrez (Eds.), Organising Committee and Session Co-Chairs (2021), Summary and Recommendations from the HYDROSPACE-GEOGloWS 2021 Workshop, ESA Publication,