The aim of this activity is to investigate the viability of developing an Escherichia coli (E. coli) Alert Data Service for environmental agencies and local authorities. This will be carried out via the development of an analysis method for the fusion of in-situ (lab and sensor measurements) and satellite data (optical and radar), validated by stakeholders with an interest in investing in a long term commercial service. The information from the service will be available on
TechWorks Marine’s CoastEye platform, which allows access to a wide range of geospatial data.
The expected impact of this service would be to provide local authorities, environmental agencies and government departments with improved information on the likelihood of a contamination event occurring, allowing for an informed decision on whether or not to restrict access to a given coastal area. The benefit of this would be to reduce the risk of illnesses associated with the presence of E. coli in coastal waters, as the areas could be closed as a precautionary measure before the E. coli reaches these areas.