The objective of the 4DMED-SEA project is to develop a data-driven, 4D reconstruction of the Mediterranean Sea physical and biogeochemical state, exploit this information to further improve our understanding of the complex interactions between physical and biological processes at a broad range of temporal and spatial scales and explore options to transfer that knowledge into new solutions for society regarding the monitoring, restoration and preservation of the Mediterranean Sea Health. The project was kicked-off on June 22nd 2023. A meeting with FAO-GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Sea) took place on September 7th to present the 4DMED project and discuss possible collaboration during the Impact Assessment studies dedicated to Fisheries.
Impact of environmental conditions on fish early-life stages, an individual-based model approach
Ecological Modelling (2025)
Earth System Science Data (2024)
Marine Pollution Bulletin (2024)