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ESA-NASA Open Innovation for EO Programmes 2022
November 2, 2022 - November 4, 2022

The European Space Agency, in collaboration with NASA, is organizing the 2022 Open Innovation for EO Programmes Workshop, between 2-4 November 2022.
The workshop will be hosted in ESRIN, Frascati, and will welcome representatives of the community of practice from industry, academia and institutions. The workshop will discuss aspects related to the implementation of Open Source projects in the context of Earth Observation Programmes, from EO mission algorithm development to enabling new discoveries through Open Science, towards translating these discoveries into commercial products with societal value.
In particular, the workshop aims to:
- Review the latest status, opportunities and challenges of Open Innovation for space mission projects across space agencies and the community of practice (industry and academia).
- Initiate coordination in the preparation of guidelines for Open Innovation in space projects, with a focus on EO and OS Science
- Identify synergies and complementarities between existing grass roots and scientific needs based OS software development and space agency needs
- Identify actions of space agencies and collaboration opportunities to foster existing grass roots and scientific needs based open source software development.
- Facilitate the planning and development of a roadmap for future open source science activities, including the ESA Open Innovation Framework implementation.
Participation to the workshop is on invitation only. Presentations and recordings will be made openly available on the Workshop’s website.
Find out more in the preliminary agenda.