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Hydrology Exploitation Platform (H-TEP)

The H-TEP offers the hydrology community the opportunity to exchange data, services and knowledge through a common collaboration framework


Water quality and access is essential for socio-economic development and for maintaining healthy ecosystems. Properly managed water resources are a critical component of growth, poverty reduction and equity.

The Thematic Exploitation Platform (TEP) for Hydrology is a heterogeneous community of scientific users, river basin organisations and service providers. The aim of this community is to exchange data, services (Flood MonitoringHydrological ModellingWater level and quality services, Small Water Body Mapping Service.) and knowledge through a common collaboration framework. The intention of the H-TEP is to enhance the capacity of the involved organization to develop, collect and use water relevant geoinformation to better monitor, assess and inventory their water resources by exploiting EO products and services.