This ITT is part of the Ocean Science Cluster and contributes to the joint EC-ESA Earth System Science Initiative launched in February 2020 by the European Space Agency and the European Commission (EC) Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) to jointly advance Earth System Science and its response to the global challenges that society is facing in the onset of this century. As part of this initiative EC-ESA are working together to foster an European coordinated effort on Ocean Health and Biodiversity research.

To put words in action, with this call, ESA plans to promote collaborative research and networking actions across different projects and activities funded by ESA, the EC or nationally funded science projects, with the aim of capitalizing on potential synergies and implement additional joint scientific efforts (e.g., novel joint developments not foreseen within the existing activities and projects, innovative collaborative research actions) that bring together results, data, knowledge and value-added from the different activities in order to achieve new innovative results beyond the single objectives of the individual projects and beyond the state of the art.

The main expected outcome of this project include:

  • Reinforced collaboration and coordination of ESA activities with EC-funded projects and relevant Ocean Health and Biodiversity activities funded by Member States.
  • Novel ocean health and biodiversity datasets from the synergistic use of EO, in-situ data and model outcome, for enhanced observation and understanding of open ocean and coastal biodiversity.
  • Enhanced scientific understanding of the status and change of the health of ocean ecosystems (marine, coastal) including on-set and drivers of change, vulnerability and responses to natural and anthropogenic pressures, specially under extreme conditions.

Learn more about this Invitation To Tender on the esa-star Publication page.