Are you curious about the Network of Resources (NoR) catalogue of services? Perhaps you’re familiar with it but unsure about the most suitable tools for your needs.
A comprehensive series of webinars to train on the various cloud platforms and services available from this rich pool of resources is being kick-started at the end of next week.
Who can benefit from these webinars and what will you learn?
Whether you are a student, a non-practitioner with a passion for learning about Earth Observation (EO) cloud platforms, or a professional in fields such as science, industry, or education, these webinars are open to all. Regardless of your background, you are welcome to join.
The content of the multiple sessions is designed to progressively equip participants with the necessary knowledge to effectively use the platforms and their services.
The initial sessions will offer an overview of the platforms’ core features and services. They will also provide examples of typical use-cases to help you understand their practical applications. As the training progresses, sessions will delve deeper into specific platform capabilities, such as algorithm hosting, advanced data processing and analytics.
When and how to register
The training sessions will be held on Fridays at 1:00 pm CET, starting from June 16th. To know more about the schedule and registration, please visit the NoR portal. The news section on the portal is regularly updated with progressively scheduled sessions. Please note weekday and frequency mentioned may change according to providers’ availability, so we invite you to regularly check the news.
Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your understanding of cloud resources with NoR. Register now and unlock the potential of these powerful platforms!