Get involved in the first ever Open Earth Forum (OEF) at upcoming Living Planet Symposium 2022 !
Why an Open Earth Forum?
Ever increasing EO data volumes, more specialised skills and techniques for effective extraction of value added information: this is the context which led to defining the bring the user to the data paradigm more than a decade ago.
But how far have we gotten?
Are you fully aware, regularly exploiting and satisfied with the cloud-based capabilities for EO data access, processing and analytics available in Europe? Is abstraction of underlying complexity a central ambition that would allow you to work more effectively?
These are some of the questions we would like find answers to with your help, through the Open Earth Forum. The collective response of the LPS EO community to these questions will help shaping ESA priorities in the EO enabling technologies domain over the next years!
What does it consist of?
The Open Earth Forum is the label identifying a number of activities during the Living Planet Symposium, on site in Bonn and partially online (with the survey) for those who may not attend the event in person.
Open Earth Forum will investigate the topic of enabling (cloud) technologies in Earth Observation, ranging from cloud-based platforms and analytics, mass-processing workflows and architectures, datacubes, open source libraries, toolboxes, Jupyter technologies to Open Science, and beyond.
It includes:
- featuring selected and invited presentations
- giving the opportunity to more interactively discuss and deepen results showcased in the scientific sessions
- held in the centre of the ESA booth, in the OEF Demonstration Area, they will offer live technology demonstrations (typically around 30 minutes) from relevant ESA partner activities
- consisting of hands-on, in depth tutorials (e.g. 1 -1.5 hours) held in two dedicated rooms close to the exhibition space. Participants bring their own laptops to participate.
- created to collect your precious and welcome feedback.
You will find a calendar with details of the scientific sessions and agoras at the end of this post, while all details about demos and trainings are in a previous post.
How and when can you contribute?
Everyone’s contribution is essential for the forum.
Its main objective is to act as a dedicated user consultation, in order to understand the impact of activities performed to date (with a focus on Europe), identify weaknesses and gaps and collect your needs to design the best way forward for future programmes and activities in the context of enabling technologies for EO.
Beyond attending and actively participating to the various sessions, classrooms and live demos in Bonn, you are invited – regardless of your physical presence at the Symposium – to express your point of view via an ONLINE SURVEY you can access and complete already now here below.
The survey is designed not to take too much of your time, and there will be exciting prizes* for a number of survey participants, randomly extracted. Don’t hesitate and fill it in now, you will only have time until 05 June 2022.

Open Earth Forum calendar at LPS22
Wed 25 |
Big EO data Platforms - Application & Products
SCIENTIFIC SESSION – 8:30–10:00 – Santiago del Chile
Chairs: Dr. Patrick Griffiths (European Space Agency, European Space Research Institute (ESA-ESRIN)), Julia Wagemann (Julia Wagemann Consulting)
Big EO data Platforms - Architectures
SCIENTIFIC SESSION – 10:40–12:10 – Santiago del Chile
Chairs: Dr. Anne Fouilloux (University of Oslo), Dr. Claudio Iacopino (ESA – ESRIN)
Big EO data Platforms - Federations
SCIENTIFIC SESSION – 13:30–15:00 – Santiago del Chile
Chairs: Gunter Schreier (DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt), Simon Baillarin (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES))
Earth System & EO Data Cube Services and Tools for Scientific Exploitation
SCIENTIFIC SESSION – 15:40–17:00 – Santiago del Chile
The session will be dedicated to showcasing EO and Earth System Datacube technologies, tools and services for Scientific Exploitation of EO satellite mission data and higher level products, focusing on the service offerings and features that contribute to maximising scientific output.
Chairs: Dr. Anca Anghelea (ESA – European Space Agency), Philippe Mougnaud (ESA)
OpenEO platform – User consultation
NETWORKING EVENT – 16:30–18:30 – P1.10
OpenEO platform aims to simplify scalable EO data processing and analytics in the cloud, abstracting underlying complexities from the user.
This user consultation invites all early adopters and users of OpenEO platform to showcase some community usage examples.
The objective is to gather user experience to understand if openEO platform is responding to community needs in the best possible way. What are shortcomings of OpenEO platform for science, industry and institutions.
Live demos, hands-on workshops and the best ideas award will complement the event.
Chairs: Dr. Patrick Griffiths (European Space Agency, European Space Research Institute (ESA-ESRIN))
Thu 26 |
Enabling interoperability across cloud-based EO platforms: Open standards and protocols
OPEN FORUM – 8:30-9:55 – Agora SAPIENS
Several initiatives aim for enabling interoperability across cloud-based EO platform e.g. for data discovery, access, processing, retrieval or visualisation.
While there is considerable overlap between these initiatives regarding the employed technology stats, an agreed consensus for which approaches to adopt is still missing.
This deep dive reflect on the current status of interoperability for EO in cloud-based EO platforms and investigate opportunities for the way ahead.
Chairs: Guenther Landgraf (ESA), Dr. Patrick Griffiths (European Space Agency, European Space Research Institute (ESA-ESRIN)), Dr. Peter Strobl (European Commisssion – Joint Research Centre)
Towards EO Open Science building on enabling technologies
OPEN FORUM – 8:30 – 9:30 – Agora EUROPA/ESA
Chair: Dr. Anca Anghelea (ESA – European Space Agency), Dr. Claudia Vitolo (ESA), Dr. Patrick Griffiths (European Space Agency, European Space Research Institute (ESA-ESRIN))
Super Resolution in EO: hype or hope?
DEEP DIVE – 11:15-12:15 – Agora SAPIENS
Super resolution technologies are increasingly being employed to increase the spatial resolution of EO data
There is however little consensus on how to best evaluate the outputs of super resolution algorithms
Qualitative, spectral or radiometric characteristics are commonly compared to the original source data, but do not provide a comparable basis for assessing the value of a super resolution algorithm
This forum will discuss the following questions:
o What are the commonly applied metrics to assess the output of SR algorithms?
o How should SR algorithms be ideally assessed in terms of the super resolved data
o Is there an opportunity for a consensus for performance metrics to be used?
Chairs: Dr Nicolas Longepe (ESA), Dr. Patrick Griffiths (European Space Agency, European Space Research Institute (ESA-ESRIN))
Open Source Science, toolboxes and Jupyter technologies in EO - 1
SCIENTIFIC SESSION – 13:30-15:10 – Room Santiago del Chile
Chairs: Dr. Patrick Griffiths (European Space Agency, European Space Research Institute (ESA-ESRIN)), Dr. Anca Anghelea (ESA – European Space Agency)
Valorising Your Data and Algorithms on Collaborative platforms
TALKING BUSINESS – 15:10-16:10 – Agora GEMINI
Collaborative Platfroms allow the community to share their scientific/industrial achievements with others in an open way – free or requesting a remuneration: what are the options today and how could the offering be improved?
Chairs: Guenther Landgraf (ESA), Maciej Kryzanowski (EARSC (European Association of Remote Sensing Companies))
Open Source Science, toolboxes and Jupyter technologies in EO - 2
SCIENTIFIC SESSION – 15:40-17:10 – Room Santiago del Chile
Chairs: Dr. Anca Anghelea (ESA – European Space Agency), Kathleen Baynes (NASA Headquarters)
Scalable analytics in cloud-based platform environments: Experience and perspectives
DEEP DIVE – 17:20-18:20 – Agora GEMINI
More large scale mapping and applications are implemented in cloud environments to cope with large data demands and sufficient and flexible computational resources.
This forum will reflect of the user experiences and use cases showcased in the science sessions.
The Forum shall facilitate a discussion of community experiences regarding the public cloud-based EO platform available for big EO data assessments.
Chairs: Dr. Patrick Griffiths (European Space Agency, European Space Research Institute (ESA-ESRIN)), Dr. Claudio Iacopino (ESA – ESRIN)
Fri 27 |
Training data for AI in EO
SCIENTIFIC SESSION – 10:40-12:00 – Room Vienna
Chairs: Dr. Patrick Griffiths (European Space Agency, European Space Research Institute (ESA-ESRIN)), Dr. Hamed Alemohammad (Radiant Earth Foundation)
*We are offering you the chance to win eGift Cards and choose anything you like from the ESA Space Shop. Make sure to correctly insert you email address in the survey when requested in order to participate in the prize lottery!