Innovation from space to advance the global food security agenda.
A Compendium of Earth Observation contributions to the SDG Targets and Indicators – released in January 2021
A catalogue of satellite based products and services for water resources management. Released in May 2020
An “Issue Brief” providing in-depth analysis of one of the priority actions identified by the 2019 White Paper. Released in March 2020
An analysis of the longer-term prospects for expanding the use of satellite-based environmental information in Development Assistance operations and activities.
White paper defining the key potential focus areas for the adoption of blockchain in the EO community. Released in April 2019.
White paper with recommendations from the AI and EO community workshop held at ESA/ESRIN in March 2018.
Coordinated by ESA on behalf of the CEOS Ad Hoc Team on SDGs.
Summary report of projects in cooperation with the Asian Development Bank
Summary report of the second batch of projects in cooperation with the World Bank