Sinergise Solutions d.o.o. (SI)
Sentinel Hub services are operational services running on several platforms (AWS EU-Frankfurt, AWS US-West, Creodias, Onda and Mundi web services), providing seamless access to various satellite missions over web service API. They are used by thousands of users (free and payable) all over the world and two million requests are processed on average every single day. Two freely accessible web applications are operated within Sentinel Hub suite – Sentinel Playground, easy-to-use Google Maps-like web client and EO Browser providing a more advanced access to various data-sets supported by Sentinel Hub services. Various advanced features are available as well – export to GeoTiff, statistical analysis, time-lapse generation, custom scripting, etc.
This project has performed an upgrade to Sentinel Hub services to make them ready for integration in Network of Resources, including:
• User management (authentication and integration with EDUGAIN to make the access available to tens of thousands of Open Science Cloud users without additional registration)
• Integration of Sentinel Hub services on the back-end level (to increase system performance, availability, and efficiently exploit separate deployments)
• Security
• Data fusion to make it possible to combine data from different missions in the same custom script, also adding further attributes (sun angle, quality, projections, etc..)
• Upgrade of Python libraries and Web clients to support all above-mentioned new features