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EW-EXPLORE: SENTINEL-1 EW-MODE ARCHIVE EXPLOITATION FOR POLAR RESEARCH EW-Explore is a pilot project to investigate interferometric (InSAR) applications of Sentinel-1 (S1) Extra Wide mode (EW) beyond the ocean- and sea ice applications where this mode was designed for. NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS (NO) Science applications, permanently open call, polar flagship, Sentinel-1 EW-Explore is a pilot project to investigate interferometric (InSAR) applications of Sentinel-1 (S1) Extra Wide mode (EW) beyond the ocean- and sea ice applications where this mode was designed for.
Polar TEP extension with AI capabilities EO has a unique role in monitoring the Polar Regions by providing information that is consistent, repeatable, year-round, and covers the extensive area. In particular, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) missions, such as Sentinel-1, have for many [...] POLAR VIEW EARTH OBSERVATION LTD (GB) Digital Platform Services artificial intelligence, natural hazards, platforms, polar flagship, Sentinel-1 EO has a unique role in monitoring the Polar Regions by providing information that is consistent, repeatable, year-round, and covers the extensive area. In particular, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) missions, such as Sentinel-1, have for many years proven useful in high resolution monitoring due to their capability of acquiring data independent of cloud cover and polar night. However, the size of the polar regions means that relying on human analysis of the large volume of data available is not practical. The polar user communities have been early adopters of AI/ML applied to EO data. This project addresses the need for a ML platform to better serve the polar user communities. The work will implement MLflow, a well-proven ML platform, augmented by DVC to manage training data. The operation and benefits of MLflow within Polar TEP will be validated and illustrated through the following showcases: Showcase 1: Nature-Based Solutions for Flood and Erosion Protection, and Showcase 2: Polar Voyage Planning and Support Showcase 1 addresses the need for resilient infrastructures to mitigate increased coastal and riverine flood and erosion potential as a consequence of climate change. Employing nature-based methods to mitigate flood and erosion hazards is an environmentally friendly solution. Showcase 2 responds to the needs of ships and people operating in the polar regions for past, present, and future environmental information, especially concerning sea ice. These regions are experiencing climate change at a rate that is up to five times greater than the rest of the planet. ML applied to environmental data can help mitigate the impact of these changes by providing better information with which to plan and conduct polar operations and thus provide improved safety for people, infrastructure, and the environment.
SUP FCP – CROSCIM The focus of CROSCIM is Arctic operations and the development of a processor that will take advantage of the novel products from the Copernicus Expansion missions and deliver near real time and short term forecast (up to 2 days) level 4 products [...] DANISH METEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE (DK) altimeter, applications, Arctic, polar flagship, SAR, snow and ice The focus of CROSCIM is Arctic operations and the development of a processor that will take advantage of the novel products from the Copernicus Expansion missions and deliver near real time and short term forecast (up to 2 days) level 4 products for sea ice concentration, sea ice thickness, snow thickness, sea surface height anomaly and derived L4 products. The implementation will be co-developed with champion users and demonstrate how the Copernicus Expansion missions will improve the information for future Arctic operations. This will primarily focus on the added value from the polar missions: CRISTAL (dual frequency radar altimeter), ROSE-L (SAR L band) and CIMR (passive microwave). The demonstration of the improvements will be based on two Arctic domains with different characteristics. The first is a pan Arctic that will demonstrate the value of the products from all three sensors and how they contribute with increased coverage and improved monitoring of the Arctic wide sea ice. The second demonstrator is a near coastal demonstration of the impact of ROSE-L, CRISTAL and CIMR products and how they will improve the observations of the sea ice coverage in a High Arctic fjord, namely Disko Bay in Greenland. In order to provide a representative dataset for the future missions, a state of the art sea ice model and a state of the art machine learning model will be used to produce realistic data that mimics the products from the expansion missions. Data will be extracted and resampled according to the descriptions in the Mission Requirement Documents (MRD)’s of the individual satellite missions, which will make the foundation for creating a representative dataset. This will for instance include orbital and sensor characteristics, resolution and expected noise levels. In order to ensure maximum knowledge transfer from the missions to the project, the consortium includes expertise from the CRISTAL and CIMR MAG’s and representatives from the operational SAR processing group including the Greenlandic ice service, who will ensure that the representative data sets are designed according to the specifications. The development of the representative dataset, the processor and the two demonstrators will be carried out in co-development with the two champion users involved in this proposal. These are the Greenlandic ice service at DMI and Drift+Noise who are both intermediate users with focus on the provision of services to the end user. Especially for a demonstration of future satellites it is important to incorporate champion users who both understand the future perspectives and the current needs of the users. The champion users will also ensure that the outreach to the end users are of relevance to the end users