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Integrated Policy Expert Scheme (IPES)

The European Space Agency’s Earth Observation Programmes (EOP) Directorate has established the new Integrated Policy Expert Scheme (IPES). This innovative initiative aims to bridge the gap between cutting-edge Earth observation (EO) solutions and international and European policies on the environment and sustainable development.


Why this scheme?

One of EOP fundamental goals is to accelerate the adoption of EO-based services by external stakeholders and end-users.  This is currently facilitated by our existing research and development efforts in which we closely work together with various partners that have a pro-active role in the projects (e.g. involvement in co-design/co-development processes and/or hands-on capacity development courses).

Taking a step further, the new scheme allows for direct integration of a policy expert within an ESA team with specific agreed tasks and, if required, with ex post activities that generate mutual benefits.

This scheme fosters collaboration and further ensures that EO solutions are:

  • Policy relevant – aligned with evolving needs and priorities of European and global policies.
  • Impactful – effectively address environmental and development concerns for enhanced decision-making.
  • Inter-disciplinary – developed considering the socio-economic, ethical, operational and legal aspects for successful adoption.

The scheme also promotes:

  • Synergy – strengthens partnerships with the involved entities and facilitates alignment of resources and investments.
  • Engagement and empowerment of all stakeholders and end-users.


How it works:

Through this scheme, ESA can host policy experts from various entities:

  • International and European organizations
  • National/regional/local entities
  • Multilateral conventions
  • Civil society organisations
  • Indigenous societies.

These experts will be seamlessly integrated into ESA teams for a pre-defined period (typically up to two years, renewable).
Experts remain employees of their original organisation.
The salary arrangement between the expert and their employer remains at the discretion of both parties (e.g., standard salary, with benefits, sabbatical period).
The expert’s employer shall endorse and support the integration scheme with a letter to ESA, specifying the agreed period.

ESA will cover costs associated to:

  • Initial and final travel costs to/from ESA;
  • ESA on-site costs in relation to office and IT equipment;
  • Participation to 2 events (N.B., only maximum 1 outside of ESA Member States) during the integration scheme;
  • A maximum contribution of 500 euros/month for accommodation costs, if the expert is not receiving benefits from her/his employer.


Tasks experts will be engaged in:

  • Co-development of research agenda;
  • Co-organization of conferences;
  • Review of project deliverables;
  • Co-write scientific papers;
  • Present to ESA the functioning and work from the original organization and from similar related bodies;
  • Capture and define new needs for future projects from the wider relevant policy expert community;
  • Assess opportunities for end-users to advance R&D projects towards an operational context;
  • Share insight about the community’s common practices, and about the way they address innovation;
  • Ex-post activities after the IPES period, such as acting as an ESA ambassador for outreach and capacity development in the original organization and the wider network.


Confidentiality between ESA and the expert will be ensured through a non-disclosure agreement.


How to apply:

Please complete the online form at this link.



If you have specific questions, get in touch with ESA via the dedicated e-mail address.