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BiDS | Big Data from Space 2025

 September 29 - October 3
 The University of Latvia


Big Data from Space 2025 (BiDS25) is a major biennial event co-organised by the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Commission, and the EU Satellite Centre (SatCen). It brings together professionals from academia, industry, government, and beyond to explore how large-scale space data and advanced technologies—like AI, cloud computing, and data platforms—can address key global challenges in science, sustainability, security, and policy.

Running from 29th September to 3rd October 2025, BiDS25 will feature satellite workshops (29th – 30th September), plenary sessions, and a code sprint (1st – 3rd October). The event serves as a hub for showcasing innovation, fostering collaboration, and connecting data providers, technology developers, and end users. It’s open to scientists, engineers, analysts, entrepreneurs, and anyone passionate about the power of big data from space.


The key objectives of BiDS 2025 include:

    • Showcasing and investigating the impact of Big Data from Space on society’s grand challenges, such as climate change, as well as key policies at the European and global levels, including the European Green Deal and the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
    • Identifying breakthrough data science technologies that accelerate space-based Big Data insight and foresight, transitioning from research and innovation to operational applications.
    • Promoting open science and innovation, interoperability of solutions, and cross- disciplinary collaboration, building on open and FAIR data principles, digital trust, cloud-based technologies, and Data Spaces.
    • Discussing the future of space data and technology, identifying next game-changers, technological advancements, and establishing an innovation roadmap to maximize the benefits of space-derived data and technologies.


As with past editions, BiDS 2025 is open to contributions covering all aspects of Big Data from Space, including technical developments, applications, and emerging trends. BiDS 2025 will focus on the following core themes:

    1. Big Data from Space-driven transformation in policy and society: solutions, analytics and technologies that influence decision-making processes and societal outcomes;
    2. Developments addressing cross-earth and space domain challenges: leveraging Big Data from Space to tackle climate change, security, adaptation, industrial sustainability, resilience, biodiversity, health, interlinkages between all of them and other pressing societal challenges; Exploiting synergies of various space domains, for example exploiting benefits for space for security (i.e. climate security) and security for space (i.e. secure communication).
    3. Exploiting synergies across space technologies: Data processing in Space Science, Navigation or Telecommunications; Space missions and big data challenges; New data and methods in support of open science and innovation.
    4. Digital policy and responsible technology development: algorithmic governance, open innovation, explainability, trustworthiness, auditability, and addressing bias in AI-driven systems; Policy frameworks and their impact on services and industry (i.e. the AI Act); AI and technology and ethics, both in space and on Earth; Green AI and computing.
    5. Cloud-native and digital infrastructures for big data: How big could big data be through small, federated and interactive solutions; scalable data management, access, processing, and visualization; challenges in interoperability, federated learning, provenance, data security, privacy, sustainable computing, and the role of Dataspaces.
    6. Advanced processing paradigms: Multimodal AI, foundation models, data fusion, data assimilation, knowledge extraction and data valorization, data mining, search engines, incorporating multiple-criteria decision analysis for real-world applications;
    7. Enabling foresight with new methodologies and technologies: digital twins, forecasting, simulation, predictability science, explainable AI, natural language processing or virtual reality;
    8. Disruptive technologies shaping the future: Deep tech innovations, including quantum computing, neuromorphic sensing, real-time analysis of big-data streams, structured/unstructured data fusion, or hybrid high-performance computing.

For full details on how to get involved, please visit the official website:
Big Data from Space 2025 – Home


September 29
October 3
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European Commission


The University of Latvia
Raiņa bulvāris 19, Centra rajons,
Rīga, Lettonia LV-1586 Latvia
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+371 67 034 444