Two new calls launched for the Africa research community

Following the kick-off with ESA of the second phase of activities to be carried by the EO AFRICA (African Framework for Research, Innovation, Communities and Applications) R&D Facility, two new calls have just been opened aiming to sustain and strengthen an active African research community, by promoting creative innovation processes for the continuous development of African EO capabilities.

The calls are organised in coordination with the African Union Commission.

A first call (Call for Research projects) is dedicated to support African–European collaborative efforts to develop innovative and reusable open-source Earth Observation (EO) algorithms and applications adapted to African solutions to African challenges, by leveraging cutting-edge cloud-based data access and computing infrastructure. The call aims to tackle present and future challenges in water and food security for Africa. Detailed proposals can be submitted until September 20, 2024. Please check this link for more information and the submission interface.

A second call (Call for African-led Training material) is dedicated to the creation of training materials in support to the development of EO-curricula at African Universities. The developed training kit, which must be self-contained and with all components copyright-free, will be part of the EO AFRICA RDF Digital Campus. Detailed proposals can be submitted until 18 August 2024. Please check this link for more information and the submission interface.