SCOOP (SAR Altimetry Coastal & Open Ocean Performance) is a project funded under the ESA SEOM (Scientific Exploitation of Operational Missions) Programme Element, started in September 2015, to characterise the expected performance of Sentinel-3 SRAL SAR mode altimeter products, in the coastal zone and open ocean, and then to develop and evaluate enhancements to the baseline processing scheme in terms of improvements to ocean measurements. Another objective is to develop and evaluate an improved Wet Troposphere correction for Sentinel-3, based on the measurements from the on-board MWR, further enhanced mostly in the coastal and polar regions using third party data, and provide recommendations for use.
A RIP-based SAR retracker and itsapplication in North East Atlantic with Sentinel-3
Advances in Space Research (2020)
On the role of the troposphere in satellite altimetry
Remote Sensing of Environment (2020)
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2019)
Calibrating CryoSat-2 ad Sentinel-3A sea surface heights along the German coast
International Association ofGeodesy Symposia, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2019)
A Fast Convolution Based Waveform Model for Conventional and Unfocused SAR Altimetry
Advances in Space Research (2018)
Advances in Space Research (2018)
Advances in Space Research (2018)
Impact of long ocean waves on wave height retrieval from SAR altimetry data
Advances in Space Research (2018)
Pulse-to-Pulse Correlation Effects in High PRF Low- Resolution Mode Altimeters
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2018)
Independent Assessment of Sentinel-3A Wet Tropospheric Correction over the Open and Coastal Ocean
Remote Sensing (2018)
Remote Sensing (2018)
Coastal SAR and PLRM altimetry in German Bight and West Baltic Sea
Advances in Space Research (2017)
Fully Focused SAR Altimetry: Theory and Applications
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2017)