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Lobelia Earth, S.L. (ES)


AI4DROUGHT is part of the AI4SCIENCE activity. The first AI4SCIENCE ITT was launched in 2021 and had a focus on Extreme Events, Multi-Hazards and Compound Events, and contributes to the ESA Extremes and Natural Disasters Science Cluster. 

The AI4SCIENCE ITT had 2 main objectives:

  1. Advancing Earth System Science: advancing our capacity to combine EO and AI to address a major scientific challenge: The observation, understanding and characterisation of multi-hazards, compound and cascade events and its impacts on society and ecosystems.
  2. Advancing Artificial Intelligence for EO: unlocking the full potential of Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Science with focus on two main AI challenges: physics-driven Artificial Intelligence and explainable AI.


The AI4DROUGHT project will develop a methodology for the prediction of drought climatic events over the Iberian peninsula.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • to design the appropriate deep learning architectures that allow to maximize the extraction of information from both the EO-based datasets and the Seasonal Prediction Systems (SPS);
  • to enhance the knowledge on the cause and effects of drought events by the combination of the complementary climate system descriptions provided by EO-based observations and Seasonal Prediction Systems (SPS) through the implementation of AI-based algorithms.

The proposed methodology combining numerical climate models with AI driven approaches at different temporal and spatial scales to identify multi-hazards and cascading effects will be highly scalable, replicable and transferable to other regions and applications, thanks to data driven approaches and pipelines that permit to automate and continuously store climatic experiences.

Additional information and resources can be found at the project website



Prime contractor
Lobelia Earth, S.L. (ES)
  • Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC) (ES)