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The METEOR (MEsospheric TEmperature and Ozone climate data Record) project is dedicated to producing a high-quality, long-term time series of mesospheric ozone and temperature. This will be achieved by merging data from multiple satellite instruments into climate data records. Additional objective of the project is to assess trends in mesospheric temperature and ozone, with a particular focus on understanding the impact of solar particle precipitation on ozone levels in polar regions. By analyzing these trends, the project aims to enhance our understanding of the mesosphere’s role in Earth’s climate system.

In recent years, scientific interest in high-quality mesospheric data records has grown significantly. These records are essential for interpreting long-term changes in the upper atmosphere and understanding its interactions with other atmospheric regions. Moreover, long-term mesospheric observations are crucial for validating high-top climate models, helping to improve the accuracy and reliability of these models in predicting atmospheric behavior.

High-quality, stable, long-term data from the upper atmosphere is essential for accurate trend analysis. However, a comprehensive long-term mesospheric ozone dataset that integrates data from multiple satellite sources is currently lacking. The METEOR project seeks to address this gap by creating such a dataset for the first time. Within the scope of the project, global and seasonal mesospheric ozone trends will be evaluated for the first time. Additionally, a merged dataset of mesospheric temperature will be created, utilizing limb and occultation data from ESA and ESA Third Party Mission satellite instruments. The inclusion of self-calibrated occultation measurements will enhance the stability and reliability of the merged dataset. The long-term mesospheric temperature time series developed by the METEOR project will complement existing temperature records, as it will be based on a distinct collection of satellite data, providing a valuable new resource for atmospheric research.

The project will be carried out at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), aligning closely with the institute’s strategic commitment to advancing research, delivering high-quality services, and upholding transparency and integrity in meteorology and atmospheric science.



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